Personalised dreadlocks 16 PCS Dreadlocks Thick
Auction prepared on special order. By placing an order on this auction, you will receive 16 pieces of SE thick dreadlocks
Quantity: 16 Pcs
Length: LONG MIX
Thickness: Thick
Color: MIX
Attachment end: LOOP temporarily
➡️●5 PCS dreads flat on top first 12"inches flat , then the rest length regular dread / length: 31 -34" inches long
Color: *colors for these 5: Colour: I will use a mix of color #2 + #4
1: #2+#4
2: #2 +#4 + little bit ombre #27 toward bottom
3: #2 + #4 + little bit ombre #30 toward bottom
4: #2 +#4
5: #2 + #4 + tiny bit ombre #27
➡️ 1PCS dread / length: 23" inches long
Color: #2 and #4 for top half, then blending into the blonde blend the rest of dread
➡️ 3 PCS dreads with "grown together look" branching out / lenght 38+40+44inch.
1, Mix #1B + #2 .
1, #2+#4 .
1, #2 + #4 with ombre #30 on bottom tip of MAIN DREAD ONLY, not the branches.
➡️ 7 PCS dreads: like 1st order / length: 32" and 35" inches long
Color: *colors:
-6, dreadlocks in the color: no ombre Mix #2 + #4 a little #1b in this mix on 2 of thes 6 pcs
*width thickness for 6:
2.5-3" inch circumference around
-1, dreadlock in color ombre : #2 +#4 mix and # 27,#30,#613 blend for ombre light tip
*width thickness for 1: your choice on this one